Mr. Mohammed Mubeen Ahmed, Deputy Nursing Superintendent, lead us through some challenges the nursing profession is facing in India. The first is “brain drain.” Often, highly trained Indian nurses do not stay in India. After their education, many nurses leave and find employment in the US, Europe and countries in the Gulf. This leads to not only a shortage of nurses, but also a shortage of qualified nursing leaders.
They also face the challenge of nurses spending time on non-nursing related activates. As a system, Fortis is currently working to address this issue and reassign non-nursing tasks to other staff members. This will allow nurses to spend more quality time with the patient.
They also face the challenge of nurses spending time on non-nursing related activates. As a system, Fortis is currently working to address this issue and reassign non-nursing tasks to other staff members. This will allow nurses to spend more quality time with the patient.
There were many other presentations covering issues related to patient care, the current improvements for continuing education to develop nurse leaders and community outreach programs Fortis has initiated. Again, these presentations will be available in a week or so.
Fortis was interested in our CNML and CENP certifications and what domains of knowledge are covered. AONE plans on sharing aspects of our competency assessment tools. We finished the full-day meeting with a tour of the hospital. We were able to view wards, observe the nurse’s station and get a general feel for how a private hospital in India works. This will provide a great context for our public/government hospital visit tomorrow.
Just before dinner we popped into a handcrafted jewelry store. Jaipur is known throughout the world for its precious and semi-precious stones and jewelry settings. Yours truly made a small “investment” and will come back to the States with a small, sparkly reminder of my time in India.
dekhthe Hai! ("see you" in Hindi)
Just before dinner we popped into a handcrafted jewelry store. Jaipur is known throughout the world for its precious and semi-precious stones and jewelry settings. Yours truly made a small “investment” and will come back to the States with a small, sparkly reminder of my time in India.
dekhthe Hai! ("see you" in Hindi)
Thank you so much for the blogs - it really gives a glympse into this magnificent trip. You should consider have a breakfast meeting at AONE to share the trip and to get people to see why they should go - I hope to go in the near future - it seems so spiritual and so interesting! How did they staff that huge hospital?! Pams you both looked terrific - and Pam R I hope you wore the right shoes for this trip - but than what I am I thinking!! hahah Laura Caramanica