After being here since Wednesday non-stop I am more energized than ever! Last evening I attended the PAC fundraiser event and heard John Foley, performance expert and former Lead Solo Pilot with the United States Navy Blue Angels. John captivated the packed room with stories, videos and presentations linking how we as Nursing leaders responsible for patient care, need to have as much precision in health care as the Blue Angels do flying jets! John took us into the sacred Blue Angels debriefing room. Linking the processes of the Blue Angels work into healthcare. It was then off to the Nurse Manager fellows reception. The energy of these up and coming leaders is so inspirational.
This morning I had the pleasure of introducing Dr Steven Robbins His presentation Unintentional Intolerance-Creating Inclusion in Health Care Settings had all of us laughing and also crying. His presentation will remain with me for a long time. I learned new thoughts and approaches to diversity.
The morning concluded with the AONE Business Meeting where Donna Herrin Immediate Past President and Pam Rudisill President spoke about AONEs past and current accomplishments . AONE CEO Pam Thompson introduced the AONE staff, without them we could not accomplish all the great work that AONE does.
Rob Rose
Bristol Hospital
photo courtesy of King Shots
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